Intuitive Readings

These powerful Quantum Insight readings reveal the connection and relativity of various aspects in your life -- health and well-being, dharma, creativity, relationships, presence, and prosperity -- as well as what would make for wholeness and peace of mind.

Creative Mind

A Creative Mind report can help you navigate how to bring your expression all the way out into the world on a consistent basis. This report includes your relationship with deeper elements of your consciousness, your Mental and higher Astral elements, to give you a more comprehensive picture of how your creative energies flow from your initial creative thought, through your emotional field, and into physical manifestation.

This report typically will uncover unconscious ways you are restricting or not fully allowing your creative flow. It can also reveal what attitudes could be adjusted to allow your deeper expression to come to light.

After you have worked with your report, you can choose additional individual counsel to assist with integrating your Reading's significance into your daily life: relieving karmic patterns, bringing out your natural influence or creativity, and improving relationships.

Reading Samples

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May you walk the path of wisdom and live in the ever-present Wholeness of divine mystery.